There is much more water than land on Earth, and its abundance or lack is a major environmental factor. Where water is abundant, plants and animals thrive. The relative emptiness of desert areas all over the globe has always provided its own stark beauty, and the inhabitants have learned to live on very little water. Mankind has long known about these environmental factors, and it has become a major part of the art world in many cultures.

Fountains have been an integral part of many cultures, and they continue to be popular even today. They provide visual beauty to those who look upon them, and they further enhance the experience with the musicality of falling water. For those who prefer a bit more water, modern waterfalls have become part of the art of landscaping. Ice and snow are also part beautiful art creations, and they are enjoyed all over the world.

Water Art

An Introduction to Beautiful Ice

Children often find the world around them an exciting arena of events and objects, and it is important to encourage them to explore, admire and...


Water Art

Creating Art by Spraying Water

The world of nature has long been a place for mankind to relax and reflect, and the sound and sight of water is one facet...


Water Art

Creating Natural Garden Art

A beautiful garden is a place of peace and solace, but many people want more. Those who like bright colors often choose to add ceramic...


Water Art

Expanding Photography into Water

The world of water is an amazing place, and each drop of it can contain its own universe. For some photographers, this is a world...


Water Art

The Wonder of Waterfalls

When gravity moves water downhill, it seldom takes a straight course unless there is a waterfall. Over the centuries, mankind has admired these natural formations...


Water Art

Frozen Art

Giant ice sculptures have always been popular in cold countries, but modern society has added mobility to them. While ice sculptures for large events have...


Water Art

A Drop of Water

Rain is a major component of life, and it falls from the sky to bathe the thirsty planet. When it fails to fall, the world...

